Creative Courant: Newsletter #33

The northern hemisphere is headed towards a long winter’s nap. As the last leaves of autumn cease their stubborn hold on tree branches and join the others that have carpeted the earth, my family and I are layering up for our outdoor walks while being buffeted by the December gales.  Even Trixie, our pandemic puppy, is sporting a red sweater after we found her shivering after a walk.

Every headline I read trumpets the words “long, dark winter ahead,” which is demoralizing and mentally exhausting, if I’m honest.  The impending months ahead reminded me of Diane Keaton’s character J.C. in the movie Baby Boom.  

Unexpectedly finding herself the guardian of a distant relative’s child, J.C. quickly realizes the Park Avenue lifestyle and high-powered career won’t fit her new status as a mother, so she ups stakes and moves to Vermont.  Her first winter in Vermont is so long and snowy, the J.C. begins canning applesauce to pass the long hours of isolation indoors. Her corporate prowess kicks in and she begins a highly successful natural baby food company.

Diane Keaton in Baby Boom

Diane Keaton in Baby Boom

Instead of dreading the upcoming months, this week’s content focuses on how to make the most of the time ahead while we stay home to stay safe.  We offer pearls of wisdom from scientists at the South Pole, astronauts and the philosophy behind Danish hygge.

Maybe you’ll be inspired to be like JC and start a business based on one of your creative endeavors.  Maybe you’ll learn the art of hygge.  I, myself have been tackling all kinds of house projects that have been long neglected and am feeling a sense of accomplishment.  If 2020 has brought me anything, it is the disproportionate sense of satisfaction with new switch plates, door jambs, light fixtures and fresh coats of paint.

I hope you enjoy this week’s content.  Have a creativity-filled weekend!



An end-of-year roundup of some of the best artwork that went viral this year to inspire your own creativity

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Suzanne Miller Farrell